Teeth Whitening in Long Beach, CA

Imagine a smile that lights up a room, a grin that can't be overlooked, a set of pearly whites that exudes confidence. That's what teeth whitening can do for you. This popular dental treatment is a simple, non-invasive process that can dramatically enhance your appearance and boost your self-esteem. At Bixby Dental Studio in Long Beach, CA, Dr. Jose and Dr. Sara use the latest teeth whitening techniques to erase stains and discoloration, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening in Long Beach
Teeth Whitening in Long Beach

Why Should I Get Teeth Whitening?

A dazzling white smile isn't just about looking good, it's about feeling good too. When you're confident in your smile, it shows in every interaction. Teeth whitening can help you feel more confident in social and professional situations, improving your overall quality of life. Moreover, teeth whitening is a fast and effective way to combat the effects of aging, coffee, tea, wine, and tobacco, which can all cause your teeth to yellow and stain over time. Call our Long Beach dentist today for more information about our teeth whitening services!

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The Benefits Of Teeth Whitening in Long Beach

Improved Appearance

Teeth whitening can dramatically enhance your appearance. Even the most beautiful smile can appear dull or aged if the teeth are stained or yellow. Whitening can eliminate these stains and bring a youthful, vibrant appearance to your smile, making you look healthier and more attractive.

Increased Confidence

With a whiter, brighter smile, you're likely to feel more confident and self-assured. This increased confidence can have a ripple effect, improving your interactions in both your personal and professional life. You may find yourself smiling more, laughing more, and engaging more fully in conversations and activities.

Quick and Convenient

Teeth whitening is a quick and convenient way to enhance your smile. In just one appointment, you can achieve noticeable results. This makes it an excellent option for those with busy schedules or upcoming special events.

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Our Long Beach Teeth Whitening Treatment Process

Consultation and Examination

The first step in the teeth whitening process is a consultation and examination with Dr. Jose or Dr. Sara. They will assess your oral health, discuss your aesthetic goals, and determine whether teeth whitening is the right treatment for you. They will also explain the process in detail, so you know exactly what to expect.


Once you've decided to proceed with teeth whitening, the next step is preparation. Your teeth will be cleaned to remove any plaque or tartar, and a protective barrier will be applied to your gums to protect them from the whitening gel. This ensures that the treatment is both safe and effective.


The final step is the whitening process itself. A professional-grade whitening gel is applied to your teeth and activated with a special light. This process is repeated several times in the course of your appointment to achieve the desired level of whiteness. With this method, you can achieve a noticeably whiter smile in just one visit.

Before & Afters

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

Did you know?

The color of your teeth can affect how others perceive your age and attractiveness.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Check out these frequently asked questions, or call us to speak with our team.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening is generally considered safe when performed by a dental professional or when using dentist-recommended at-home products. However, it is essential to follow instructions carefully to avoid potential side effects such as tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. Consulting with a dentist before starting any whitening treatment is advised to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Discover What Makes You Smile

Give us a call or request an appointment online to take your smile to the next level, today!
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